Dimora Photogallery
ServicesRates and ConditionsInformation FormMaps




Name         :          Surname     :      

N° Persons  :    

Check in  :        DD/MM/YYYY            Check out    :         DD/MM/YYYY

E_Mail :           


Reservation requests submitted through this form are not considered binding.
One operator will check the availability of required apartment and will respond as soon as possible.


Information regarding processing of personal data

In accordance with article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (law related to the protection of personal data) the data             

I allow you to process my personal data





La Dimora dell'800 - Via XXX Gennaio n°23 -91100- Trapani E-mail: info@ladimoradell800.it - Cell: +393452361418/+393485185923